Teaching Main Idea

When teaching main idea, start by letting students know where to look. To find the basic main idea, students can look at titles, subtitles, and the first sentence or paragraph. These areas will give the reader a basic idea of what the main idea is. Also let students know that the main idea is the topic that is the main or most important focus of the text.

Teaching Summarization

When summarizing, students may use the "5 W" method. (Who, When, Where, What, Why) Students should also use transition words to help them when summarizing. It is important to pick out the key details from a text when writing a summary. However, it is also important to be concise! Summarization requires a delicate balance between including key details and not including too many details.

Teachers can use graphic organizers to help teach summarization. It is important to have students work with both fiction and nonfiction texts when summarizing. Start by working with fiction texts, and work your way up to nonfiction articles.

Teaching conventions includes a number of important areas